Adoption Myths

There are many misconceptions associated with placing a baby for adoption. Here we dispell the top myths for expectant parents considering adoption.

  • Myth

    A loving and caring person wouldn’t place her child for adoption.


    It is a mother’s natural instinct to give her child everything they need and do whatever is necessary to ensure her child’s health and happiness. Loving your child so much that you put the needs of your baby above your own wants is actually one of the most loving actions someone could do.

  • Myth

    Adoption is the “easy way out.”


    Adoption should never be considered an “easy way out” because it is far from easy. Birthmothers love their children. They are not choosing adoption to make their life easier. They are doing it so their child can have the life they may not be able to provide. Making this decision is incredibly difficult and takes an enormous amount of strength, courage, and bravery.

  • Myth

    Adoption is a selfish and irresponsible choice.


    No part of looking into adoption is irresponsible or selfish. Choosing adoption is one of the most unselfish decisions a mother could make. Planning for your child’s future is your responsibility, and making the decision to put your child's needs above your own wants is an incredibly mature and responsible choice.

  • Myth

    Adoptive parents don’t care about birthmothers.


    By choosing adoption, you are bringing light and happiness to a family’s lives that they might not have been able to have without you. While adoptive parents may never be able to fully understand what it’s like to be a birthmother, they do care about you and respect your thoughts and emotions throughout your pregnancy and after the adoption. They want you to be comfortable, healthy, and happy. The adoptive parents will be forever grateful for your gift, and as part of their appreciation, they will always hold a special place in their heart for you.

  • Myth

    My child will feel abandoned or angry with me for placing him or her for adoption.


    Your child will know you loved them enough to put aside your own feelings so they could have the best possible life. Your child will grow up well cared for, enjoying many wonderful experiences and opportunities, and being loved by a family who actively sought to bring them into their lives. Your child will understand that you made a huge sacrifice to make all of that possible.

  • Myth

    A baby will improve my relationship with my boyfriend or husband.


    Raising a baby together does not in any way guarantee your relationship problems will be resolved. An unplanned pregnancy may even add more strain to a relationship rather than fix it.

  • Myth

    My family and friends will help me raise this baby.


    No matter how much your family and friends offer to help, your baby is ultimately your responsibility. You are the one responsible for his or her health, financial and material needs, schooling, and more. Parenting is a 24-hour job, and while having occasional help is wonderful, it won’t remove the pressure and responsibility of parenting.

  • Myth

    I will not be able to make an adoption plan if I have a history of mental illness, drug use, or health concerns.


    Countless adoptive families are completely open to any sort of adoption situation and would be thrilled to welcome your baby into their lives regardless of your health background. You can even get help with certain health issues as part of your adoption support plan.

  • Myth

    I waited too long and now won’t be able to make an adoption plan in time.


    It's never too late to choose adoption! You can make an adoption plan if you're in labor, if you've already given birth, if you're still at the hospital, or even after you've brought the baby home. Adoptive families are fully aware of the possibility of a last-minute adoption and are willing to travel anywhere in the country at a moment’s notice. A family can be available for you and your baby within hours.

  • Myth

    An adoptive family won’t be able to love my baby as much as I can.


    It is certainly true that there is a special bond between a birthmother and her child and that bond can never be taken away or replaced, but adoptive parents can and will love your child fully and selflessly. Since adoptive parents make the deliberate choice to parent, they take the responsibility very seriously. They have a true, unconditional love for and devotion to a child they adopt because they truly feel what a blessing it is to have a child in their lives.

“Wanting your child to have more than you can offer is the biggest act of love any human could do...”

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